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    From Lowell/Dracut
    From Route 128/Mammoth Rd. Bear left at set of lights onto Nashua Road. Remain on Nashua Road for about 2 miles. (You will pass a “Mike’s Ice Cream” on the left hand side and another half a mile “Hosanna Gospel Center”). Shortly after the “Gospel Center” Nashua Road becomes Long Pond Road when you enter Tyngsboro, Ma. Continue on Long Pond Road into New Hampshire, (the road becomes Dracut Road). We are located 1 mile from the Massachusetts border,on the left hand side.

    From Route 3 North
    Traveling on Rt. 3 north towards New Hampshire, take exit 35. Turn left off the exit and continue to a set of lights. Proceed through the intersection and over the Tyngsboro Bridge. Travel left onto Rt. 3a north and continue 2.8 miles until you reach the NH/Ma state line. (Ayottes / Smokin Joes convenience store will be on your right.) A half mile further , take a right at the lights onto Pine Road. (See the Hudson Fish and Game Club Sign). Another half mile brings you to a stop sign take left for half mile on the left hand side before stop sign.

    From Route 3 South
    Traveling on Route 3 south/Everett Turnpike towards Boston, Take exit 2 towards Hudson. At end of bridge bear right on to Lowell Road/3-a south Tyngsboro. Sam’s Club will be on your right hand side and Wal-Mart will be on your left. At the 3rd set of lights bear left up Dracut Road. (You will pass a sign for St. Kathryn’s Church on the left.) Hudson Monuments is located 1 mile south on Dracut Road on the right hand side.

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